Humor with a cold wet nose

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Top5 Pets is owned by
Chris White

Top 50 Pet Sites
               Set shock collars on stun, Mr. Sulu.

                         October 27, 2003

                     NOTE FROM THE LIST VET:

Inspired by the adventures of the animated clownfish character
     in "Finding Nemo" -- including his unlikely escape down a
dentist's spit sink -- hundreds of children have flushed their
         pet fish down the toilet, hoping to free them. 

Gosh, Sandra, you ask, what *other* movies might offer misleading
         advice about pet care? We're so glad you asked!

       The Top 10 Bad Pet Care Lessons Learned From Movies

10> National Lampoon's Vacation: Take your dog for a brisk run
    by tying his leash to the bumper of your car.

 9> Men in Black: To combat loneliness, breed companion 
    cockroaches at home for fun and profit.

 8> Old Yeller: The vet charges too much? Give Fido a shot 

 7> Stuart Little: If you're considering adoption, a white mouse 
    is much cheaper than going to Romania to get a kid.

 6> O Brother, Where Art Thou: Frogs delight in playing dress-up.

 5> The Jerk: If you misplace your clothing, your dog can be worn
    as underwear.

 4> Sweet Home Alabama: Send your terminally ill cat off with a

 3> The Big Lebowski: Always bathe with your marmot. They LOVE 

 2> Fatal Attraction: Bunnies housed in outdoor hutches can get
    chilly, so treat them to a stovetop jacuzzi.

    and the Number 1 Bad Pet Care Lesson Learned From Movies...

 1> Willard: Rats make lovely house pets. The more you have, the
    happier you will be.

             [   Copyright 2003 by Chris White    ]
             [       ]

Selected from 28 submissions from 11 contributors.
Today's Top5 Pets List authors are:
Dave Ferry, Purvis, MS            -- 1, 7 (5th #1)
Melanie Stephens, Manassas, VA    -- 2, 8, Topic
Mary Ann McDonald, Sacramento, CA -- 3, 6
Judy Goodman, Wilmette, IL        -- 4
Virgil Steigerwald, Cleveland, OH -- 5, 10
Marlene K. Goodman, Wheeling, IL -- 9
James Knowles, Bellingham, WA     -- Banner Tag
Sandra Hull, Arlington, VA        -- List Vet

[                  TOPFIVE.COM'S LITTLE FIVERS                   ]
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[      Copyright 2003 by Chris White   All rights reserved.      ]
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